You are joyfully invited to the wedding celebration of
Calvina & Julian

Calvina & Julian
With joyful hearts, we request the honour of your presence in this celebration of love.

Bride & Groom
"We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love"
Dr. Seuss

Calvina Izumi
The Only Daughter of
Mr. Sidharta Gunawan (Kok Tay Hauw)
Mrs. Tjioe Li Swan

Julian Dwi Swara
The Second Son of
Mr. Wagimanto Murtiman
Mrs. Pariyem

Please fill the reservation form below if you're happy to join our celebration.

Vihara Sakyawanaram
Jl. Lembah CipendawaPacet - Cipanas
(Due to venue capacity and guidelines, we are able to accomodate shortlisted guests only. We hope you understand)

Wedding Reception
October 2023
12:00 - 14:00 WIB

Angke Restaurant Kelapa Gading
Grand Ballroom 3rd FloorRukan Mall of Indonesia (MOI)
Jl. Boulevard Barat Raya No.33
Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara


Thank You
We are beyond grateful for your kind wishes, blessings and thoughtful gifts. We wholeheartedly appreciate your presence in our special moments with us.